Hiroshima Miyajima day trip from Kyoto: Japan travel vlog Part 2


Kyoto Travel Guide

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Channel: Havisiting

I agonised over the itinerary for this trip. Work commitments meant the number of days we had were limited, but out of the destinations I planned to visit during our stay, there weren’t any I was happy to drop. A friend who had recently visited Japan said maybe I should drop Hiroshima, which was going to be an overnight stay. I nearly took their advice, but then I figured out that I could visit Hiroshima and Miyajima in a single day from Kyoto.

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The music featured in this video is below. Big thanks to the artist for giving me permission:
illspendtherestofmylifemakingituptoyou by Forested soundcloud.com/foresteds/illspendtherestofmylifemakingituptoyou

Havisiting theme by Michael Havis

Video length: 10:49
Category: Travel & Events

* This article was originally published here

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