Visit KYOTO Guide:Uji Byodoin-temple and uji shrines:平等院鳳凰堂・縣神社・宇治神社

Arashiyama Bamboo Grove 嵐山の竹林

Kyoto Travel Guide

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Channel: JP Scenery

KYOTO Uji (宇治)is very famous for Japanese tea(日本茶/宇治茶)and green tea(抹茶).

There are many Japanese tea and green tea stores in the approach to Byodo-in.

When you visit Uji, please enjoy Japanese tea and green tea.

After that, please visit Byodo-in and shrines with a relaxed feeling.

京都 宇治

平等院鳳凰堂 縣神社 宇治神社

Video length: 10:38
Category: Travel & Events

* This article was originally published here

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